Ji Yuhua

Posted: 2016-09-12
Academic Degree:
Academic Rank:
Courses Taught:
  English Phonology, non-literary translation, sight-interpreting, art of reading-aloud in English, art of public speaking in English, debating in English, psycholinguistics, psychology of translation, critical linguistics, intercultural communication, look-listen-speak in English, English teaching methodology, workshop for interpreters, public speaking skills for interpreters, workshop for translators
Research Interests:
  English linguistics, English-Chinese interpreting and translating, critical discourse analysis, intercultural communication, teaching Chinese as a foreign language, comparative cultural studies, English phonology, public speaking and debating in English
Professional Experience:

1978-1985BA and MA student at XMU Dept of Foreign Languages & Literatures.

1985 up to nowTeacher at XMU English Dept, becoming a professor in 2002.

2004-2005Chair of English Dept at XMU Tan Kah Kee College.

2008-2012Chair of XMU English Dept.
Educational Background:

1978-1982BA student at XMU Dept. Foreign Languages and Literature.

1982-1985: MA student at XMU Dept. Foreign Languages and Literature.

1995 July-1996 JulyVisiting researcher at the Centre for Research in Language & Communication (CRLC), University of Wales, Cardiff (UWC), UK.

1996 July-1997 July: External research student, at the Centre for Research in Language & Communication (CRLC), University of Wales, Cardiff (UWC), UK.

1999 Feb - JulyVisiting researcher at the English Dept at the Chinese University of HK.

1999 Sept -2006 June: PhD student at XMU English Dept.

2004 Sept -2005 FebVisiting researcher at Willamette Univ. USA.


(1) Over 70 journal articles, such as:

1. 1991. New approaches to teaching English phonology. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching, 4: 34-37.

2. 1993. Contradictory or complementary? An analysis of the tendency of dichotomy in foreign language teaching theories. Special issue on foreign languages and literatures, Journal of Xiamen University.

3. 1993. Global socio-economic development trends and strategies for curriculum reform in the Chinese mainland. Proceedings for the International Conference on Curriculum Change in the Chinese Community in Southeast Asia. College of Education of CUHK.

4. 1994. Cultural background courses for English majors in the age of reform and opening-up. Journal of PLA Foreign Language University. No. 2: 27-30.

5. 1994. On the reform of four types of courses for English majors. Journal of Fujian Foreign Languages. No. 1:34-36.

6. 1998. From misconception to understanding and from application to innovation: Rethinking communicative language teaching. Published in A collection of papers on XMU teaching methodology. Fujian People’s Press.

7. 1998. Sandwich stories for Chinese children. IATEFL Newsletters, 142, UK.

8. 1999. Communicative language-teaching through sandwich stories for EFL children in China. TESL Canada Journal, 17(1): 103-113. CANADA.

9. 2000. Sandwich stories as a bridge to authentic materials: A developmental approach to teaching EFL reading to young learners in China. IATEFL Issues, 153: 12 �5. UK.

10. 2000. Sandwich story methodology: From the perspective of repetition-memory relationship. Journal of South China Normal University, No. 4, Guangzhou, PRC.

11. 2000. Sandwich story methodology: Development and application. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, No. 8, Dalian, PRC

12. 2000. The study of semantic prosody: Object, method and application. Journal of Xiamen University. No. 3. Xiamen, PRC. (reprinted in Linguistics & Philology, No.12, 2002, Beijing, PRC.)

13. 2001. Critical discourse analysis: Theory and method, Journal of Xiamen University. No.3. Xiamen, PRC.

14. 2001. The art of reading aloud: A new approach to teaching English phonology. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, No. 5, Dalian, PRC

15. 2002. Reading aloud: A key to success in public speaking. In Talkshop by EFL Experts. Beijing: World Affairs Publishing House, PRC.

16. 2002. On Gary Palmer’s theorization of cultural linguistics. Journal of Foreign Languages. No.2, Shanghai, PRC.

17. 2002. Pauses in Chinese and English oral reading: An informational perspective, In Yang, Zijian (ed.) Contrastive studies of Chinese and English. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, PRC.

18. 2002. English through Chinese: Experimenting with sandwich stories. English Today, No.1, Cambridge, UK.

19. 2002. Sandwich Story Methodology: Applying the Mother Tongue in FL Teaching to ChildrenForeign Language Teaching in Schools, No.9, 2002, Beijing, PRC.

20. 2002. Sex discrimination in English proverbs as reflected in the word “woman”, Language, Culture and Education, No.5, 2002, Tai’an, PRC.

21. 2002. Simultaneous interpreting: A new way of oral English training, Theories of Education in China, No. 6, 2002, Tai’an, PRC.

22. 2002. The Sandwich Story Methodology for EFL Teaching to Chinese Children. In Famous EFL Methodologies in Contemporary China, Hu Chundong & Bao Tianren (Eds.), Changchun: Jilin Education Press, PRC. 

23. 2003. On the limit of translatability of intertexts, Journal of Changchun Teachers College, Changchun, PRC.

24. 2003. Rethinking the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, Foreign Language and Literature Studies, No.4, Fuzhou, PRC.

25. 2004. Prototype semantics: From family resemblance to idealized cognitive models, Journal of Xiamen University, NO.2, Xiamen, PRC.

26. 2007. Critical metaphor analysis: A new way of critical discourse analysis. Journal of Xiamen University, NO.6, Xiamen.

27. 2007. On the critical turn in the research on intercultural communication. Journal of South China Normal University, No. 6, Guangzhou, PRC.

28. 2007. Reflections on three issues in the theorization about intercultural communication. Foreign Language and Literature Studies, No.4, Fuzhou, PRC.

29. 2007. Eight relations in the teaching of public speaking in English. Foreign Language Teaching Forum In East China 2, Shanghai Foreign Language Press. PRC. 

30. 2008. A critical analysis of proverbs in speeches delivered in intercultural communication contexts. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, No. 1, Dalian, PRC.

31. 2008. Individualism in the eyes of Westerners. Teaching of History, No.22. Tianjin, PRC.

32. 2008. Metaphors in speeches by western leaders in intercultural contexts. 21st Century English Education Supplement2008-12-22-B2.

33. 2008. A preface to The Influence of Daoism on Asian-Canadian Writers (by John Zhong Ming Chen), Edwin Mellen Press, USA.

34. 2009. Critical discourse analysts’ conception of discourse and its implications. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, No. 7, Dalian, PRC.

35. 2009. Interpreters’ strategic competence and its implications for the teaching of interpretation. East China Forum for Foreign Language Teaching 4. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2009, PRC.

36. 2010. Applying CDA in intercultural communication studies. Heihe College Journal. No.1, Heihe, PRC

37. 2010. Teaching English majors the course of “hosting and broadcasting in English: An effort at English curriculum reform at Chinese universities. In Chen Hua (ed). Studies of L2 phonology in China. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. PRC

38. 2011. On the teaching of “Debating in English”. Journal of Xiamen University (Special issue on Teaching methodology). PRC

39. 2011. On Hatim and Mason’s Intertextual Translation Theory. Journal of University of Shanghai for Science & Technology.No.3, Shanghai, PRC.

40. 2011. On the meaning of “critical” in critical discourse analysis. Foreign Languages & Literatures. No.4, 2011. Fuzhou, PRC.

41. 2011.Utterance meaning and situated meaning: A study of J. P. Gee’s 3-step approach to discourse analysis. East China Forum for Foreign Language Teaching 6. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2011, PRC.

42. 2012. Skills of translating and singing Chinese songs in English (seven articles in a series). English Salon, Nos.5-12. Beijing, PRC

43. 2012. Functional elements in Charles C. Fries’ linguistic theory. Foreign Languages in China, No.4. Beijing, PRC.

44. 2013. Imitate famous speeches and express your true feelings (two articles in a series). English Salon, Nos.1-2. Beijing, PRC.

45. 2013. Homophones and humor in public speaking in English. English Salon, No.3. Beijing, PRC.

46.2013. Communicative Language Teaching in China: Innovations and Imaginations. Proceedings for the 2013 international conference and workshop on English teaching. Crane Publishing Co. Taiwan.

47. 2013. Persuasive speech: Is money everything? English Salon, No.4. Beijing.

48. 2013. How much can you express in a five-minute speech? English Salon, No.5. Beijing, PRC.

49. 2013. What style of life do you prefer? English Salon, No.6. Beijing, PRC.

50. 2013. How to make a speech at a celebration of a college anniversary? English Salon, No.7. Beijing, PRC.

51. 2013. Yin-Yang and language studies: Relevance and implications. Southeast Studies. Fuzhou, PRC.

52. 2013. Approaching Expertise from a Rhetoric Perspective. Xiamen University Journal, No. 5. PRC.

53. 2013. Humor and Pun in public speaking in English. English Salon, No.3. Beijing, PRC.

54. 2013. On the translation and singing of Chinese songs in English. Foreign Languages & Literatures. No.3, Fuzhou, PRC.

55. 2013. New methods of teaching English fluency, sense stress, logical stress and pause to English majors in Mainland China. Selected papers from the twenty-second international symposium on English teaching. Crane Publishing Co. Taiwan.

56. 2013. (second author) The Ultimate Cross-cultural ReturnPhilosophic Poetics in Lo Fu's Diasporic Poetry. Humanities International 6, Xiamen University Press, April, 2013.

57. 2014. A Study of Techniques for the Chinese-English Translation of the Songs The Great China and The Mighty Wind of Asia. East China Forum for Foreign Language Studies. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, PRC.

58. 2014. (second author) Functional construction of “repetition” in the perspective of critical discourse analysis. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching. No. 4. Jinan, PRC.

59. 2015. (second author) Applying the skills of translating and singing Chinese songs in English to English language teaching. Foreign Languages & Literatures. No.4, Fuzhou, PRC.

60. 2015. (second author) A critical review of How to do critical discourse analysis: A multimodal introduction. Discourse Studies Forum (1). Nankai University Press, PRC.

61. 2016. 50 Years of Intercultural Rhetoric: Research dynamics and trends. Xiamen University Journal. (4). 

(2) over 80 books/tapes/VCDs, such as

1999 � 2002. Uncle Beard Tells Stories to Teach English (16 books/tapes). Lujiang Publishing House, Xiamen.

2001: The Art of Public Speaking in English. Xiamen University Press.

2001-2004 New Way English (Books 1-4 with 13 tapes). Lujiang Publishing House, Xiamen.

2002 The Sandwich Story Methodology, Beijing: China Education Ministry Audio-video Publishing House.

2003-2004 Graded English CD-ROMS Through Stories of the Three Little Pigs (Books 1-8 with 22 VCDs). Beijing: Beijing Space and Aeronautical University Press/Human Education Co. (This series was broadcast on CCTV Children’s Channel and dozens of local Education TVs in China since 2004.)

2004-2006 Serial Stories of the Troll (Books 1-3 with 9 tapes). Guangzhou: South China University of Science and Technology Press.

2004. A Course of Pronunciation and Reading Aloud in English. Xiamen University Press.

2004. A Course of Public Speaking and Debating in English. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press.

2007. Critical Discourse Analysis in Intercultural Communication Research and Education. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press. PRC.

2007. Teaching Chinese Children through Stories: Theory and Practice. Lujiang Publishing House, Xiamen, PRC.

2010. Grandpa Beard Teaches English through Stories (Books 1-6 with 6 DVDs). Beijing: China Science and Art Publishing House. 

2012. (Second author) A Practical Course in Intercultural Communication. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

2012. (Second author) It Ain’t Shakespeare: A Course of Contemporary English Dramas for Spoken English Classes. Xiamen, Xiamen University Press.

2012. (Second author) A Concise Introduction to Linguistics. Xi’an, Xi’an Jiaotong University Press.

2014. Reading Aloud and Public Speaking in English. Xiamen University Press.

2015 (second author). Marxism and 20th-centuy English-Canadian Novels: A New Approach to Social Realism. Springer, Germany.

2015(second author) Canadian Daoist Poetics, Ethics, and Aesthetics: An Interdisciplinary and Cross-cultural Study. Springer, Germany.

2015. English Pronunciation and the Art of Reading Aloud. Xiamen Univ. Press. China

(3) Over 10 books translated from English to Chinese

1Selected works by Canadian high school students. Fuzhou: Fujian Children’s Press, 1988.
Selected works by American high school students. Fuzhou: Fujian Children’s Press, 1988.
Selected works by British high school students. Fuzhou: Fujian Children’s Press, 1990.

4Go Ahead, Secret Seven by Enid Blyton. Fuzhou: Fujian Children’s Press, 1996.

5Secret Seven Adventure by Enid Blyton. Fuzhou: Fujian Children’s Press, 1996.

6Good Work Secret Seven by Enid Blyton. Fuzhou: Fujian Children’s Press, 1996.

7Secret Seven on the Trail by Enid Blyton. Fuzhou: Fujian Children’s Press, 1996.

8Well Done, Secret Seven by Enid Blyton. Fuzhou: Fujian Children’s Press, 1996.

9Three Cheers Secret Seven by Enid Blyton. Fuzhou: Fujian Children’s Press, 1996.

10Secret Seven Win Through by Enid Blyton. Fuzhou: Fujian Children’s Press, 1996.

11The Secret Seven by Enid Blyton. Fuzhou: Fujian Children’s Press, 1996.

12The Priceless Relics Collected by XMU Museums. Xiamen University Press, 2011.

13The Priceless Paintings and Works of Calligraphy Collected by XMU Museums. Xiamen University Press, 2011.
Research Projects:

1. 2008-2011: chairing the national project titled “Critical discourse analysis of English speeches made by UK and US leaders in intercultural communication contexts.”

2. 2006-2009: chairing the Fujian Provincial project titled “Critical discourse analysis of English speeches made by UK and US politicians in intercultural communication contexts.”

3. 2007-2010: chairing the Fujian collegiate project titled “Critical metaphor analysis of English speeches by US presidents in intercultural communication contexts.”

4. 2006-2008: chairing the XMU pre-project titled “Critical analysis of speeches by UK and US politicians in intercultural communication contexts.”

5. 1999-2006: Second researcher for the national basic education project titled “A study of the story methodology for the teaching to English to children.”

6. 2001-2003: chairing the Fujian collegiate project titled “Applying the principle of developmental education to teaching English to children.”

7. 2000-2002: chairing the XMU project titled “Applying the sandwich story methodology to teaching English to college students.”

8. 1994-1998: chairing the XMU project titled “A study of influence from Guangdong and Fujian dialects on the learning of English pronunciation.”

92009-2011: Second researcher for the national basic education project titled “Applying the principle of developmental education to teaching English to primary schoolers.”

10. 2010-2013: Leader of the Quality Course “Basic English” taught at XMU Tan Tah Kee College.

112011-2013: Second researcher for the Fujian provincial project titled “Exploring the art of teaching skills of reading aloud and public speaking in English.”

122014-2016: chairing the XMU project titled “Marxism and foreign literary criticism.”

132014-2016: chairing the XMU project titled “The impact of Daoism on foreign literatures.”

142014-2016: chairing the XMU project titled “Globalization of Confucianism and foreign literatures.”

15. 2016-2017: chairing the XMU project titled “Techniques of translating and singing 100 Chinese classical songs.”

Participating in the following projects:
1. 2007-2009: A project on “training methodology for the study of European history” chaired by Professor WU Jianping.

22013-2017: A national project titled “On the construction and expansion of the discipline of translational writing ” chaired by Professor Yang Shizhuo.