Jiang Guiying

Posted: 2016-09-12
Academic Degree:
Academic Rank:
Courses Taught:
  College English to non-major undergraduates,Selected Reader of Cognitive Linguistics (To postgraduates and PhD candidates),General Introduction to Semantics (To postgraduates),Applied Cognitive Linguistics (to postgraduates and PhD candidates)
Research Interests:
  Cognitive Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Language Economics, English education.
Professional Experience:

August 2011~    Professor, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures at Xiamen University

Dec 2000July 2011 Associate Professor, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures at Xiamen University

August 1998―Nov 2000  Lecturer, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures at Xiamen University  

August 1992July 1998  Assistant & lecturer, School of Economics at Xiamen University

Educational Background:

July 1989  Bachelor of Arts from Foreign Languages Department at Fujian Normal University. 

July, 1992  Master of Arts from Foreign Languages and Literature Department at Xiamen University.

June 2005   PhD of Economics from School of Economics at Xiamen University

August 2006―August, 2007  Visiting scholar to Department of Linguistics at UC Berkeley



Selected Works:

1.      English-Chinese and Chinese-English Lexicon of Economics. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press, 2012.

2.      English Education in China from the Perspective of Language Economics. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2010.

3.      An Exploration of Rural Public Economy. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2008.

4.      Oxford ESL Dictionary (co-translator). Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2008.

5.      The New Oxford Dictionary of English by Patrick Hanks (co-translator). Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press, 2007.

4. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners by Michael Rundell(Chief editor)(co-translator). Beijing: Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Press, 2005.

5. Essential English Course (Three volumes, Vice-editor of Book 2). Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2005.

6. The Essence of China’s Public Debts: Survey and Risk-resolution (co-editor). Beijing: China Financial and Economic Publishing House, 2004.

7.      Stories of Detection and Mystery (co-translator). Longman and Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2001.

8.      Public Sector Economics by C.V.Brown and P.M.Jackson(co-translator).Beijing: Renmen University Of China Press, 2000.


Selected Papers:

1. Review on Geometry of Meaning. Cognitive Linguistics, 2015(1).

2. The Integration of verbo-gestural multimodal metaphor in English public speaking contest. Foreign Languages Study (Waiyu Yanjiu), 2013 (6): 9-16.

3. A Cognitive study of verbal and gestural metaphors in finger-guessing drinking games―an empirical study of Sichuan, Chongqing and Hakka Areas. Southeast Academic Research( Dongnan Xueshu), 2012(3): 273-279.

4. From “standard measurement” to “communicative competence”: The new criteria for English as a lingua franca. Chinese Social Science (Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Bao), March 5, 2012.

5. An English-Chinese Chinese-English Glossary of Economics. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2012.

6. Sign language research from the perspective of cognitive metaphor: A new paradigm. Chinese Journal of Special Education (Zhongguo Teshu Jiaoyu), 2011(12): 39-43.

7. New developments of conceptual metaphor studies in neuroscience―exemplifying psychological reality. Foreign Language Teaching and Research (Waiyu Jiaoxue Yu Yanjiu), 2011 (6): 934-941.

8. Revisiting the deficiencies of prototype theory. Journal of Xiamen University (a Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences) (Xiamen Daxue Xuebao), 2011(6): 42-48.

9. Cognitive mechanism of ESP curriculum in China, Proceedings of International Conference on (ICECC), 2011.

10. Commentary on cognitive studies of the non-temporal use of English present tense. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching (Waiyu yu Waiyu Jiaoxue), 2011(4): 10-13.

11. Deficiencies of prototype theory from phenomenological perspective. Fujian Tribune: The Humanities and Social Sciences Monthly (Fujian Luntan), 2011(5).

12. Non-pedagogical factors hindering the reorientation of China’s English education. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System. IEEE Press. 2011.

13. “Cost-Benefit Analysis of China’s English Education from the Perspective of Language Economics”. Research of Institutional Economics (Quarterly), March, 2010(1).

14. “When a ‘Modern’ Chinese Meets ‘Traditional’ American Class”, Journal of China-US Education Review, 2008(3).

15.  “Reshaping the Publicness of Rural Community”, Contemporary Finance and Economics, Feb, 2005 (2).

16.  “On the Relationship Between Rural Public Economy and Rural Poverty Problems”, Reform of Economic System, April, 2005 (2).

17.  “On Restructuring Rural Public Economy”, Rural Economy, March, 2005 (3).

18.  “Some Thoughts on the Reform of Tax and Fee in the Rural Areas”, International Taxation in China, April, 2005 (4).

19.  “Reflections on the Construction of Cross-curriculum Courses in Higher Education”, Journal of Xiamen University, August, 2004.

20.  “An Approach to Active Subject-Specific Dictionaries”, Journal of China Education, Dec, 2003(12).

21.  “The Obstacles and Strategies in LAC Approach in Higher Education”, Journal of Xiamen University, August, 2003.

22.  “Commentary on A New Century English-Chinese Dictionary for CET4 and CET6”, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Web, June 28, 2003.

23. “Whither Will College English Teaching Go”, Journal of Xiamen University, August, 2001.

24. “Association and Application―the Future of learners’ Dictionaries”, Lexicographical Studies, May, 2000(3).

25. “Context and Foreign Language Teaching” in Collection of Teaching Treatise of Xiamen University, 1998.

26. “Collocations in Monolingual and Active Bilingual Dictionaries” in Bilingual Lexicography Collection (ed. Jianhua Huang et al.). Chengdu: Sichuan Education Press, 1998.

27. “The Role of Examples as Lexical Context in Learners’ Dictionaries”, Lexicographical Studies, May, 1997(3).

28. “Cultural Context in Bilingual Learners’ Dictionary”, Lexicographical Studies, May, 1995 (3).

29. “Ambiguity in English Negation and Disambiguation”, Journal of Xiamen University, special issue for graduates, August, 1991.

Research Projects:

1. The Relationship between Nonverbal Emotion Interaction and the Validity of Foreign Language Classroom Teaching, supported by the China National Social Science Foundation (2015).

2. “Studies of Applied Cognitive Linguistics” supported by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in Fujian Universities (2013)

3. The National Language Committee’s 12th five-year plan Research Fund (2011)

4. “Language Economics and English Education in China” supported by Ministry of Education Research Fund (2006)
