Li Li

Posted: 2016-09-10
Academic Degree:
Academic Rank:

Courses Taught:
  Current courses offered by me are listed below: An Introduction to Linguistic; English Lexicology; An Introduction to Thesis Writing  for  English Majors(linguistics & culture, translation & interpretation); Corpus Linguistics; English Applied Linguistics; CAT
Research Interests:
  Humor Studies
Professional Experience:


 1984 1990: Assistant Professor of English, Northeast Normal University


1990 1999: Lecturer of English, Northeast Normal University


1999 2005: Lecturer of Linguistics, Xiamen University


2005 now: Associate Professor & Professor of Linguistics, Xiamen University


2005 2006: Research Fellow at CARE (Centre for Advanced Research English) in University of Birmingham in UK


2013 2014Research Fellow at Linguistic Department of UC Berkeley in USA

Educational Background:


Sept 2000Nov 2003: PhD candidate of English Department of XiamenUniversity


Sept 1996July 1999: Master candidate of English Department ofNortheastNormalUniversity


Sept 1980July 1984: Undergraduate of English Department of Northeast Normal University


L. Li, ‘Bloomfield and Sapir’s Ideas of Transitivity’, Journal of Foreign languages 2 (2002), 36-40.


L. Li, ‘On the Cause of Nuclear Element Transfer in English and Chinese Text’, Foreign Languages and Their Teaching 4 (2001), 12-14.


L. Li, ‘On the Association between Single Connected Speech Sound Priming and Streaming Meaning’, Foreign Language Education 5 (2009), 20-24.


L. Li, Frontiers in linguistics: The constraints of text types and transitivity, Xiamen, 2004.


L. Li, The super-infusion in discourse analysis, US-China Foreign Language 3 (2012), 991-998.

L. Li, Humor: multi-modality, Xiamen, 2015.


Research Projects:


MOE (Ministry of Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social Sciences (No. 10YJA740049)



Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, NCET,approved No.: 00002X071R4