Xiao Honglin

Posted: 2016-09-08
Academic Degree:
Academic Rank:
Courses Taught:
  College English (Integrated Course/ Speaking Listening and Viewing Course)
Research Interests:
  Discourse analysis; College English teaching and research
Professional Experience:

2002.07-2003.07  Department of English Teaching, Weifang Medical College. Weifang, Shandong Province, China

2006- till present  Department of Foreign Language Teaching and Research, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University. Xiamen, Fujian Province, China.

Educational Background:

1998-2002  Department of English, College of Foreign Languages, Shandong Normal University (Bachelor of Arts).  Jinan, Shandong Province, China

2003-2006  Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Foreign Languages School, Shanghai Jiaotong University (Master of Arts).  Shanghai, China


1. The Influence and Significance of Multimodal Discourse Theory on the Teaching and Learning of Foreign Language Listening Course. 2013. Journal of Xiamen University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) Special Issue of Foreign Language Teaching and Research P79-82.

2. A survey analysis of translation for Russian majors in China. 2014. Proceedings of International Symposium on Globalization: Challenges  for Translators and Interpreters. P329-334.  (2nd author)

3. Multimodal discourse analysis of one film poster under the framework of

Visual Grammar.2015. Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Education and Management. P 310-314.


Inside Today’s Home (I & II) (Co-translated with Demin Chen, Yong Wang, etc.) Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Press. 11-2004.

Research Projects:


1. Planning Project of Social Sciences, Fujian Province (General) : Cross-media and cross-linguistic study of subjectivity and causality in Mandarin Discourse. 2016

2. Online Model Course of Xiamen University: Selective reading of British and American news articles. 2015