Zhang Bigui

Posted: 2016-09-07
Academic Degree:
Academic Rank:
  Associate Professor
Courses Taught:
   College English Band 1 to Band 4, Postgraduate English, Advanced Media English Listening and Speaking, Topic Related Audio Video English Course
Research Interests:
  Environmental Literature
Professional Experience:
Have been teaching in the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures of Xiamen University
Educational Background:

1980--1984, studying in Fujian Teachers’ University, majoring in English language and British and American Literature

1988---1990, studdying in Fujian Teachers” University, majoring in British and American Literature

Summer of 2005, touring and learning around Britain

Summer of 2008, touring and learning around the United States

Summer of 20016 profound cultural touring and learning of American cultures
In 2011, authored a paper “The Impact of Eco-criticism on the Public” published by Journal of Poyang Lake
Research Projects: