Chen Ben

Posted: 2016-09-03
Academic Degree:
Academic Rank:
  Associate Professor
Courses Taught:
  College English; Advanced Writing & Translation; American Culture; American Cultural Study; Presidents in American History
Research Interests:
  History of American culture and thoughts
Professional Experience:

Have been teaching in XMU since 1992, and studied and worked successfully in American Dept of CSSI Beijing, Modern Language Cnter at Sussex University in UK, Asian American Study Dept at SF State University, History Dept at Columbia University in the US, Confucius Institute at Middle East Technology University in Ankara,Turkey and Victoria University in Wellington, NZ.

Educational Background:

Bachelor Degree in English at Fujian Normal University in 1983.

Master Degree in English at East China Normal University in 1992.

Ph. D in History (World History) at Xiamen University in 2008


1. Xiamen in the Views of Foreigners, XMU Press, 2001.

2. Americans’ Perspectives on China, Huaxia Press, 2003.

3. Sino-American Economic & Trade Relation since the Establishment of  the Bilateral Relationship, see Sino-American Relationship History (1972-2000) by Tao Wenzhao, Renming Press, 2004.

4.Historical Changes in American Individualism, XMU Press, 2012.

5. East Wind Blowing Westward, XMU Press, 2014.

6. The Presidents in American History, Jilin Renming press, 2016.

Research Projects:

Accomplished the Project Reflections on the Western Wordings of  Fujian Provincial Social Science Research Projects in 2012, No 2012B061


Have published dozens of professional papers in the prestigious and important academic journals home abroad.