CFLC hosted the first National Symposium on the Teaching and Theories of Chinese-Russian Interpreting on December 5-6, attracting approximately 80 academics and scholars from around the world. Addressing the opening ceremony of the symposium on the morning of December 5 were Andrey Denisov, Russian Ambassador to China; Professor Wu Daguang, Vice President of Xiamen University; Professor Sun Yuhua, Deputy Director of the Foreign Language Teaching Advisory Board under the Ministry of Education; Professor Ning Qi, Deputy Secretary-General of the National Russian Language Teaching Research Institute and Dean of the School of Foreign Languages at Peking University; Chen Zhiwei, Party Secretary of CFLC; and Professor Zhang Longhai, Dean of CFLC. In his keynote speech following the opening ceremony, Ambassador Denisov shared his insights into interpreting studies and made a demonstration of the interpreting process with a symposium participant. He spoke highly of China’s achievements in the teaching and research of Chinese-Russian interpreting. He also presented a gift to XMU as a token of appreciation for the University’s hosting of the symposium. Other keynote speakers at the symposium included Professor Chen Jing of CFLC, Professor Cong Yaping of Shandong University, Professor Zhao Wei of Heilongjiang University, Professor Xu Fengcai of Liaoning Normal University, Professor Zhou Minkang of Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Professor Hu Guming of Wuhan University, Professor Xu Xuemei of Dalian University of Foreign Languages, and Professor Gu Hongfei of CFLC. Their observations of and insights into the teaching methodology and new theories of Chinese-Russian interpreting inspired the audience. On the last day of the symposium, the participants split into four groups for discussion on three topics ― interpreting teaching, interpreting strategy, and interpreting course development. This was followed by a presentation of the summary of each group’s discussion. The symposium provided a platform for Russian-language teachers, interpreters and graduate students to share ideas and experiences, exchange views on the teaching of Chinese-Russian language interpreting, and discuss existing issues. During the symposium, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, and Peking University Press held a joint book fair. 
