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CFLC Delegation Visit Australian Universities
  Time: 2016-03-30   Author:   clicks:

A CFLC delegation visited three Australian universities on March 14-18. The delegation comprised Professor Zhong Longhai, Dean of CFLC, and Professors Yang Shizhuo and Xin Zhiying, Chair and Vice-Chair of the Department of English Language and Literature at CFLC. While in Australia, they visited the School of Humanities and Communication Arts at Western Sydney University, the Institute of Asian Studies at the University of Melbourne, and the School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics at Monash University.


At  Western Sydney University (WYU), the CFLC delegation met with Chester Bendall, Director of WYU International, Professor Kaye Shumack, Acting Dean of the School of Humanities and Communication Arts, and Professor Uldis Ozolins, Director of the TESOL Center. Both sides discussed plans for faculty and student exchange programs, collaborative master’s degree programs, and development of bilingual language laboratories.


At the University of Melbourne, the CFLC delegation was received by Professor Pookong Kee, president of the Institute of Asian Studies and Dr. Zhou Shaoming, director of the Translation and Interpreting Program. Both sides reached a tentative agreement on mutual recognition of credits and a joint master’s degree program. The University of Melbourne was the top Australian university and 32nd best university in the world in the QS World University Rankings 2015/16.


At Monash University, the CFLC officers met with Dr. Hui Huang and Dr. Zhichang Xu, who were in charge of international cooperation programs of the School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics. Both sides explored the possibility of cooperation in faculty training, academic program development, scientific research, and student exchange. Monash University is one of the largest national universities of Australia and a member of Australia’s Group of Eight, enjoying a prestigious reputation worldwide as a research university.


While in Australia, the CFLC officers also met with the representatives of the Xiamen University Alumni Association in Melbourne and the CFLC Alumni Association in Sydney. CFLC Dean Prof. Zhang Longhai extended an invitation to both associations to join in the celebrations of XMU’s 95th anniversary in early April.



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