One ‘Top 10’ Volunteer 
Gao Xin, Class of 2016, Department of English Language and Literature In 2015, she performed 336 hours of volunteer service for: 4th APEC Oceans Ministerial Meeting; 18th China International Fair for Investment & Trade; 9th Confucius Institutes Conference; 10th China National Conference and International Forum on Interpreting Studies Four “Exemplary Volunteers” 
Feng Qi, Class of 2018, Department of European Languages and Literatures In 2015, she performed 137 hours of volunteer service for: 1st National Youth Games; XMU new students on move-in day; CFLC’s welcoming party for new students; “Yiban” Workshop promotional session; Star Village Program (a care program for autistic children); and Tutoring of schoolchildren. 
He Chenyu Class of 2017, Department of English Language and Literature In 2015, she performed 162 hours of volunteer service for: 19th China International Fair for Investment & Trade; 9th Confucius Institutes Conference; Qianpu Elementary School; Star Village Program; and Sign Language Assistance Program. 
Yao Xilin, Class of 2017, Department of English Language and Literature In 2015, she performed 137 hours of volunteer service for: 1st National Youth Games; China International Fair for Investment & Trade; Xiamen International Industrial Design Competition; Celebratory events for XMU’s 95th anniversary; XMU’s Commencement Ceremony for the Class of 2015; Press conference on the release of the wholesomeness index of Chinese brands; and Bohunt Autumn Camp. 
Wang Huimin, Class of 2018, Department of English Language and Literature In 2015, she performed 438 hours of volunteer service for: Summer Teaching Assistance Program; XMU campus service center; Empty Nester Care Program; Bamboo Dragonfly Program (a program where participants work as volunteer teachers in Tibet during the summer break); and Preservation of Furong Tunnel wall paintings. An “Exemplary Volunteer Service Program” - The STAR Program In “STAR”, S stands for Sharing, T for Thinking, A for Absorbing, and R for Receiving. Launched 10 years ago, this particular program involves CFLC students helping Xiamen Qianpu Elementary School students with their study, mainly English listening and speaking. Over the past decade, more than 1,000 volunteers have taken part in this program and over 1,400 students of the elementary school have benefited from their volunteer service. Two “Outstanding XMU Volunteers” Zhang Wenbo, a CFLC counselor for undergraduate students, has been honored as an exemplary volunteer of XMU for 2015. In 2015, he provided volunteer service for the CFLC summer camp from honors graduates from around the country, for the University’s new students, and for the promotional session of the “Yiban” National Workshop. He also directed a sign language interpreting program which garnered the golden award of the second China Youth Volunteer Service Programs Competition in 2015. A hard-working counselor and a devoted volunteer, Mr. Zhang helps those in need as much as he can, and by doing so he has set a great example for students to follow. Lin Wanglin, a member of the Class of 2016 in the Department of English Language and Literature and the head of the CFLC Volunteers Association, has provided volunteer service for: “Hope” Sign Language Interpreting Program; Star Village Program; Confucius Institutes Conference; Qianpu Elementary School Student Assistance Program; XMU English Language Cultural Festival; XMU Taekwondo Competition; “Yiban” Workshop Promotional Session; and Xiamen International Marathon. Speaking about his commitment to volunteer service, Lin states that as long as he can, he will lend a helping hand to whomever in need.