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CFLC Shines in Student Administration
  Time: 2017-03-15   Author:   clicks:

XMU held a conference on student administration on January 14 and 15. At the conference, all schools of the University represented a report on their achievements and experience in student administration, and a number of outstanding schools and individuals were recognized for their outstanding performance in student administration.

At the conference, University officials commended the CFLC for its performance in student administration in 2016, especially in graduate employability, student mental wellbeing, Web culture, and student volunteer service.

Xiao Ying, associate professor and deputy secretary of the CFLC Communist Youth Committee, was appointed by the University as a counselors’ studio moderator. CFLC student counselor Zhou Xiaomu was named an outstanding counselor of Xiamen University. Another counselor, Zhang Wenbo, recipient of the first prize of the first XMU Counselors’ Professional Skills Competition, shared his professional experience.

On the morning of December 14, Yang Yunliang, deputy sectary of the CFLC Party Committee gave a presentation on how the CFLC had built a mental wellbeing education center. His presentation was focused on the origin, scope, current state, and future prospects of the center. The center offers information on common mental health issues and points to resources. It enables students to learn about stress, anxiety and depression so that they can better recognize and manage issues in their busy lives.

Counselor Zhang Wenbo, winner of the first prize of the Universitys first professor skill competition for counselors, expressed his appreciation to the competition organizer for giving him an opportunity to share experience with fellow counselors from other schools at the University. He expressed his conviction that dedication and commitment are essential to the professional success of counselors for students.

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