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Lin Bin
  Time: 2016-09-05   Author:   clicks:
Academic Degree:
Academic Rank:
Courses Taught:
  Intensive English Reading, American Literature, Modern and Contemporary English Literatures, EST Translation
Research Interests:
  Literature of the American South, Gender Studies, Postcolonial Criticism
Professional Experience:


l Aug. 2013―Present: Professor, MA Supervisor, English Department, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University

l Feb. 2013―Present: Associate Chair of English Department, CFLC, Xiamen U

l Feb. 2008―Jul. 2013: Associate Professor, MA Supervisor, CFLC, Xiamen U

l Aug. 2006-Jan. 2007: Guest Professor, Mingdao University, Taiwan

l Dec. 2005―Jan. 2008: Associate Professor, MA Supervisor, English Department, College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University

l Aug. 1998―Dec. 2005: Lecturer, English Department, CFL, Nankai U

l Jan. 1995―Jul. 1998: Assistant Lecturer, English Department, CFL, Nankai U

Jul. 1993―Dec. 1994: Assistant Lecturer, Department of English for Foreign Trade, Tianjin Institute of Foreign Trade

Educational Background:

l Ph.D. in American Literature, Peking University, 2005

l M.A. in English and American Literature, Nankai University, 1999

l B.A. in English for Science and Technology, Tianjin University, 1993

l B.E. in Engineering Economics, Tianjin University, 1993

l Visiting Scholar, Research on “Gender and Southern Modernity,” Beatrice Bain Research Group, UC Berkeley, April-September 2013



“Seeking the Meaning of Loneliness: Carson McCullers in China.” In Carson McCullers in the Twenty-First Century. Forthcoming by Palgrave Macmillan. Projected publication in October 2016.

“A Study of English Major Curriculum―Revelations from Researching Universities in Mainland China, and Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan.” Third Author. Journal of Xiamen University (Special Issue on Pedagogy) (Dec. 2013): 58-63.

 “Civilization as Reflected in ‘Mirror of Nature’: An Eco-feminist Perspective of Reflections in a Golden Eye.” Foreign Literature Studies 6 (2013): 113-20.

 “Gerontophobia/Gerascophobia and Invisible Space in Urban Life: An Analysis of the Journey of Transgression in The Diary of A Good Neighbor.” Foreign Literature 5 (2013): 29-40.

“A Journey of Quest for Life Ethics―On Arthur Miller’s Short Story Collection Presence.” Recent Developments in Foreign Literature 3 (2013): 41-43.

“Cultural Construction of Nature: E.B. White’s Eco-Writing in ‘Once More to the Lake’.” East China Foreign Language Forum 7. Eds. Kuang Xinhua and Yu Hongying. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press, 2012. 346-58.

“On Religious Implications of ‘Spiritual Isolation’: An Analysis of Christ Images and Religious Irony in The Heart is a Lonely Hunter.” Foreign Literature Studies 6 (2011): 83-91.

 “A Historical and Critical Perspective in the Teaching and Research of English and American Prose.” East China Foreign Language Forum 6. Ed. Lu Siyuan. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press, 2011. 435-51.

 An American Reader. Associate Editor. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2011.

“American Women’s Literature.” A Coursebook of Foreign Women’s Literatures. Ed. Chen Xiaolan. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2011. 141-87.

 “Female Self-Consciousness in Progression: An Analysis of Images of ‘Entrapped Women’ and ‘Rebel Daughters’ in Oates’s Early Fiction.” East China Foreign Languages Teaching Forum 5. Eds. Ren Jingsheng and Hong Zengliu. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press, 2010. 427-39.

Selected Readings in American Prose. Associate Editor. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2009.

“Fable, Body and Time: An Analysis of Clock Without Hands.” Foreign Literature Review 4 (2009): 81-93.

 “‘Post-Holocaust Narrative and Postmodern American Identity Politics: On the Americanization of the Holocaust.” Foreign Literature 1 (2009): 96-103.

 “Gender Metaphor of Power Relations: A Postmodern Reading of Gothic Images in Reflections in a Golden Eye.” Foreign Literatures 4 (2008): 96-104.

 “Holocaust Narrative and Jewish Identity: An Analysis of Jewish Root-Seeking Theme and Narrative Strategies in Oates’s Epistolary Story ‘The Cousins’.” Foreign Literature 5 (2007): 3-10.

Spiritual Isolation and Textual Analysis: A Post-feminist Study of Gothic Elements in Carson McCullers’s Fiction of the 1940s. Tianjin: Tianjin People’s Press, 2006.

 “Joyce Carol Oates’s Jewish Root-Seeking.” China Reading Weekly (Sep. 20, 2006): D19.

 “High Lonesome: A Retrospective of Oates’s Short Stories.” Recent Developments in Foreign Literature 4 (2006): 20-21.

“A Genre Study of Stella Rimington’s Spy Novel At Risk.” Translations 5 (2005): 204-208.

“Resolving the Myth of ‘Spiritual Isolation’: A Critical Survey of Carson McCullers’s Novels of the 1940s.” Foreign Literature Studies 2 (2005): 158-164.

“Female Gothic Studies in the West: A Glimpse into Feminist Gender and Genre Theory.” Journal of Foreign Languages 2 (2005): 70-75.

“An Analysis of Gothic Elements in Henry James’s The American.” Journal of Tianjin Foreign Languages University 6 (2005): 29-33.

“‘(Woman) Writer”: On Joyce Carol Oates’s Theory and Practice of De-gendered Writing.” Foreign Languages and Cultures 2 (2004): 12-15.

 “Female Perspective Does Not Necessarily Focus on Trivialities.” Women Today Weekly (May 25, 2004): D13.

“Wedding Metaphor and McCullers’s View of Social Identity: On Female Utopian Ideal in The Member of the Wedding.” American Literature Studies 2. Ed. Guo Jide. Jinan: Shandong University Press, 2004. 201-220.

 “Over-interpretation and Its Historical Contexts: On Accusations of ‘Semitism’ in The Ballad of the Sad Café.” Journal of Sichuan Foreign Languages University 4 (2004): 32-37.

“Birth and Death of Carnival Utopia in The Ballad of the Sad Café.” Journal of Luoyang Foreign Languages University 1 (2004): 83-88.

“Patriarchy and Female Utopia: Ideology of ‘Separate Spheres’ and Feminist Stand of Jewett’s Two Novels.” Foreign Literatures 1 (2004): 82-89.

“On Gender Dichotomy in The Ballad of the Sad Café.” Foreign Literature Review 4 (2003): 33-41.

 “Values of Individuality and Community in The Woman Warrior.” Forum for Chinese Literature of the World 3 (2003): 50-53.

“A Bahktin Perspective of Gender Order: Female Utopian Ideal and Its Doom in The Ballad of the Sad Café.” Foreign Language and Literature Studies 2 (2003): 91-99.

“Contradictions in Dreiser’s View of Womanhood as Seen in the Image of Sister Carrie.” Foreign Literature Studies 2 (2003): 64-70.

 “Transcending the ‘Myth of the Isolated Artist’: On Oates’s View of Art in Transition as Reflected in Wonderland and Marriages and Infidelities.” Contemporary Foreign Literature 1 (2003): 147-155.

 “The Ambivalence of American Individualism as Reflected in Joseph Heller’s Catch-22.” In Selected Research Papers from Mainland China. Ed. Liu Wei. Hongkong: Huiwen Press, 1999, 156-162.

Research Projects:


As Project Leader:

 “Translation and Studies of William Faulkner’s Late Works,” University President’s Fund Project, Xiamen University, 2015-2017

 “American Literature,” “English Writing,” Internet Course Construction Project, Xiamen University, 2014

“A Study of McCullers and Southern Writing of Modernity in the US,” National Social Science Fund Project of China, 2012-2017

 “Cross-boundary Studies of Carson McCullers,” MOE (Ministry of Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2010-2015

“Contemporary Literatures of English-Speaking Countries,” supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2010-2013

 “British and American Prose: Survey and Selected Readings,” funded by Nankai University, 2007

“19th-century American Literature of Local Color,” funded by Nankai University, 2006

“Religion in 20th-century Women Writers of the American South,” funded by College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University, 2005




Third Prize for Chinese English Translation of Hus Kun’s “The Kitchen,” China International Translation Contest 2013 (hosted by State Council Information Office, Chinese Writers Association and China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration), August 2014

Annual Award for Excellent Research Work, funded by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Xiamen University, April 2013

 Second Prize, Excellent Paper Award, The 9th East China Foreign Languages Forum (hosted by East China Foreign Languages and Literature Association), November 2012

Excellent Paper Award, The 1st Cross-Strait Symposium of Foreign Language Teaching and Research (hosted by Fujian Foreign Languages and Literature Association), December 2011

First Prize, Excellent Paper Award, The 8th East China Foreign Languages Forum (hosted by East China Foreign Languages and Literature Association), November 2011

 Excellent Paper Award, The 14th Annual Conference of China Association for the Study of American Literature, October 2008

“World Literature Cup” Literary Translation Award (hosted by World Literature), September 2004

First Prize, The 11th Han Suyin Award for Young Translators (hosted by Chinese Translation Journal and Translators Association of China), November 1999

 Excellent Translation Award, The 3rd Ge Baoquan Literary Translation Competition (hosted by Translations journal), September 1998

 First Prize, Excellent Degree Thesis Award, Nankai University, September 1999

 First Prize, The 1st Graduate Students’ Translation Competition of Tianjin (hosted by Tianjin Translators Association), March 1997


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