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Zhang Shufeng
  Time: 2016-09-04   Author:   clicks:
Academic Degree:
Academic Rank:
  Associate Professor
Courses Taught:
  College English, China in Foreign Press
Research Interests:
  British and American Literature, Postmodern American Fiction
Professional Experience:
August 1996 � present: College of Foreign Languages & Cultures, Xiamen University

Educational Background:

1993, BA in English Language, Fujian Normal University .
1996, MA in English Language, Fujian Normal University .

2012, Ph.D in Postmodern American Fiction, Xiamen University.


Journal Articles

1. Deconstruction and Parody, Subversion and Rebirth: An Interpretation of Robert Coover’s Metafiction Briar Rose. Foreign Literatures, 2012, 2.

2. A Study on the Playfulness in Coover’s The Universal Baseball Association, Inc. J. Henry Waugh, Prop. Foreign Literature, 2011, 6.

3. Use of Authentic Reading Materials in the Teaching of English Reading. Journal of Xiamen University (Arts & Social Sciences), 2015.11.

4. On Susan Cooper’s Ideas of Ecological Ethics in Rural Hours. Journal of Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University. 2015, 4.

5. College English Teaching in the Context of Constructivism. Journal of Fujian Education Institute, 2010.

6. A  Panoramic View of Four Centuries of Ameircan Litearature. Journal of Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University, 2010, 3.

7. Different Scholarly Intepretations on Dreiser’s Novels. Journal of Jiamusi Educational Institute, 2009, 4.

8. Oral English Teaching in the Context of Eclecticism . Journal of Xiamen University (Arts & Social Sciences), 2004, 6.



1. Zhang Shufen , Yang Renjing and others. (2009) . Selected Reading of Postmodern American Novels , Bejing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.


2 Lian Zheyu, Zhang Shufen & Wang Sanan (2012). Build Your English Vocabulary for the National Entrance Examinations for Masters Degree Programs by Reading English
Hefei: Anhui Education Press. ISBN 978-7-5336-6088-8.
Lian Zheyu, Zhang Shufen & Wang Sanan (2012). Build Your English Vocabulary for the College English Test (Level IV) by Reading English Humor. Hefei: Anhui Education Press. ISBN 978-7-5336-5853-3.

4.Mao Fenghua, Lian Zheyu & Zhang Shufen (2006). Build Your English Vocabulary the
Easy Way
. Shanghai: World Publishing Corporation. ISBN 7-5062-7743-3H.628.
5. Wang Sa
nan, Shi Huifang, Lian Zheyu & Zhang Shufen (2005). Super English Words for High School Students. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press. ISBN 7-119-03924-5.
6. Wang Sa
nan, Shi Huifang, Lian Zheyu & Zhang Shufen (2005). Super English Words for Middle School Students. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press. ISBN 7-119-03924-5.
8. Ma Degao, Adam Boynton, Emily Jones,
Lian Zheyu, Yang Xiaohong, Wang Sanan & Zhang Shufen (2004). Multifunctional Reading for College Students. Beijing: Xinhua Press. ISBN 7-2011-6749-4/G-2499


 Zhang Shufen, (2003).Global Dimensions.Fuzhou: Strait Literature and Art Publishing House.

Research Projects:

1  A Study of Robert Coover’s Novels(2016-18), funded by Xiamen University “Prosperity Philosophy and Social Sciences Program”.

2. Shanghai Science and Technology Project: Bilingual lexicography system development "sub-topics: Chinese - English Parallel Sentences (08zd1501100) 2010 �2012

3. Humanities and Social Science Project: "New Historical Context of American Ethnic Literature" 2009.

4. The National Social Science Project." Ernest Hemingway Research In American Literary Criticism " 2007 � 2011.

5. Fujian Social Science Project:  "A study of 1790s American Sentimentalism novel  ," 2014  - 2015.

6. Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Project: Literary Perspective Historical Narrative � A Research of Graham Swifts novesl.

The Bank of China Award for Teaching Excellence, April 2011.

Tel. +86-592-2182476
No. 422, Siming South Road, Xiamen, Fujian, China. 361005
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